How Ubuntu Touch works
The main difference between traditional desktop oriented Ubuntu and the mobile phone oriented Ubuntu Touch lies in the user interface. Ubuntu Touch is specially tailored to enable smooth, gesture-based control…
The main difference between traditional desktop oriented Ubuntu and the mobile phone oriented Ubuntu Touch lies in the user interface. Ubuntu Touch is specially tailored to enable smooth, gesture-based control…
In September, only a few commits were made. Work on porting to Qt6 is still in progress, and efforts to enable builds with OpenSuSE are also advancing. We invite you…
Čím se distribuce Ubuntu Touch s uživatelským rozhraním Lomiri liší od Ubuntu pro stolní počítače? Hlavním rozdílem je samozřejmě uživatelské rozhraní, které je přizpůsobené pro ovládání gesty na mobilním telefonu.…
Our transition to Qt6 is currently underway. As of now, 24 out of the 43 tasks have been completed, and there is a growing number of pending tasks. Certain changes…
The progress of nemomobile has been focused on porting to Qt6, and significant advancements have been made in that area.
During June, NemoMobile made significant strides in its development and community engagement. A talk about NemoMobile was presented at DevConf, allowing attendees to interact with the platform at the mobile…
Nejstarší syn chtěl k narozeninám chytré hodinky. Stejně jako u libovolné jiné elektroniky je to multimodální problém. To znamená, že nabídka je široká a faktorů podle kterých vybírat je hodně.…
In this update, we are excited to share the latest advancements in Nemomobile. The development efforts have been focused on two key areas: porting Nemomobile to Qt6 and extending compatibility…
In the past month, NemoMobile made progress on the Weather app, Qt *.prf file compilation issues, and device orientation functionality. NemoMobile was also featured in a Lightning talk at the…
In this update, improvements were made to phone call functionality and the code base was updated. Despite recent changes, phone calls are still experiencing issues. However, progress has been made…