NemoMobile in June/2023
During June, NemoMobile made significant strides in its development and community engagement. A talk about NemoMobile was presented at DevConf, allowing attendees to interact with the platform at the mobile…
During June, NemoMobile made significant strides in its development and community engagement. A talk about NemoMobile was presented at DevConf, allowing attendees to interact with the platform at the mobile…
There is an effort to build friendly, mobile, and open Qt based user interface since Meego Harmatan and Nokia N9 was widely used. The Jolla Ltd. did pretty nice job…
Na prácí poměrně často používám jak virtualizaci, tak i různé typy kontejnerizace od LXC (LXD) přes MOCK, až po podman a docker. Plnotučná virtualizaci s KVM+QEMU+libvirt má spoustu výhod, ale…
Komunita kolem stále PinePhone a objevuje se spoustu nových informací a času na hraní je stále málo. Kam se pohnul vývoj PinePhone v červnu?
A je tu další ohlédnutí se za DevConfem. Jaká je budoucnost RPM ve fedoře? Will Woods a Stephen Gallager se zabývali tím, jak se používají RPM a co jim vadí…
Podle blogu to vypadá, že jenom obrážím konference. Tentokrát to byl DevConf, který organizují kluci a holky z Red Hatu. V sobotu jsem začal s Larrym Woodmanem a laděním výkonu…
DevConf 2016 is over. I was doing the mining from social networks to get something interesting on screens at corridors. DevConf was really big and it became trending topic. Unfortunately,…
Silverhook asked me to change my schedule app also for Fosdem conference. He promised a beer or two, so I cannot resist (-; Unfortunately, I am not going to Brussels…
DevConf will be in two weeks so it is time to refresh my apps for that conference. This year I have new port of my mobile schedule for Android.
My most recent task in new job was configuration of RAID with 3x SDDs and streaming of data to network. It has shown that fast and stable reading from RAID…