NemoMobile in December/2021 part two
2022 will bring many changes to NemoMobile. Recent development brings T9 like predictive keyboard prototype. The controls improves user experience with Pulley menu and back gesture. Some new applications such…
2022 will bring many changes to NemoMobile. Recent development brings T9 like predictive keyboard prototype. The controls improves user experience with Pulley menu and back gesture. Some new applications such…
Protože Erik nachystal obraz pro Nemomobile, tak jsem se vrhnul na další experiment s GigaSet GS290. Rád bych popsal přesný návod, ale není to tak jednoduché jak by se mohlo…
Last month NemoMobile 0.7 was released. After that release some progress was made with sending of SMS and voice calls. There was nice progress in package manager and there is…
NemoMobile 0.6 was released. Horay! What else? We have new boot splash, reworked device lock, new policy kit agent and old-new package manager, updates of bluetooth, pulse audio, the translations…
Highlights for last month are translations, waydroid, update of lipstick, bugfixes and more.
Nemomobile moves forward also in September. Sergey made video which summarizes current status. Most notable changes was in sensors, volume control, and translations.
As last month, we have some news about project progress to share. I am publishing this on my personal blog and usually one or two days later on I…
This is review of current status. The features was tested on PinePhone BraveHeart with image made using Github Actions. What works and what doesn’t work?
What’s changed in the last month? Many issues have been fixed. Many hidden bugs have become visible as the user interface became reachable. Most important, crashing of UI and on…
While Sergey has made many changes, the overall usability is still very poor. Main issues are frequent crashes (or quitting) of UI. Mostly due to the Maliit software keyboard not…